After living in Nanjing, China, attending Grinnell, and
now studying abroad in the Grinnell-in-London Off-Campus Study Program, Frank
Zhu has a unique perspective on the role culture has played in his
international experiences. Although he has felt welcomed by the Grinnell
College community and recognizes the importance of the college’s “student
diversity and openness” in his ability to feel at home and not like an
outsider, he has also experienced ways in which the culture he was accustomed
to in China and his native language have posed challenges to his adjustment to
life here in Grinnell.
Frank knew from early on that Grinnell College was the
college for him. He attended the Grinnell College Preschool at the age of five
when his parents were professors here teaching Chinese and he has always loved
the college’s environment, appreciated the friendly students, and admired the
knowledge of the professors. Given his past experiences in the United States,
Frank always had a positive view of Americans, particularly those in small
towns like Grinnell, regarding them as friendly and independent, with some of
the best personalities. When asked about the common Chinese view of Americans,
he said that “evil Capitalist stereotypes” might exist in older generations, but
that the view of Americans is probably the opposite for the younger
generations. He discusses his understanding of the American view of China by
saying that the media portrays a mostly positive view, but one that it is not
actually reflective of the conditions in China.
The role of culture is one that has influenced every
aspect of Frank’s experience at Grinnell, both inside and outside of the
classroom. He describes the conservative and collectivist culture of China and
how this has made achieving independence and self-knowledge challenging, since
he grew accustomed to being told what next step to take. Cultural differences
have also posed new obstacles in adjusting to a new social life in Grinnell.
Frank mentions that while many Chinese college students spend much of their
time playing games online and studying, many American college students spend a
lot of time partying. This was something he had to adjust to, so it was awhile
before he learned to let go and begin enjoying parties. Frank has noticed that
Chinese and American individuals place greater value on different things:
“Chinese more on study, grades, and superficial evaluations” and Americans on
“sports, clubs, friends, hanging out.” In addition, friendships and
relationships work differently here in Grinnell compared to China. He has found
that, due to decreased competitiveness and a more open expression of emotions,
friendships are simpler here in Grinnell than in China, while relationships are
more complicated. Lastly, both body language and spoken language are central to
his cultural experiences. Frank mentions the increased eye and physical contact
that Americans utilize in conversation, which he made sure to learn and use,
even though it made him very uncomfortable at times. He recalls spending hours
trying to catch up on current American slang, since “people will hardly respond
to you if your word selection is standard and dictionary-like.” In addition, he
discusses how the language barrier can also be a barrier in deepening
Of all
challenges Grinnell has to offer, Frank felt that he was most prepared for the
rigorous academics, as his high school was extremely intense and he spent most
evenings doing 4-5 hours of homework. At the same time, language has created a
new struggle within the classroom, where he worries any misuse of the English
language could lead to the professor looking down on him. When I asked whether
or not, given his diverse international experiences, he looked at
himself as a global citizen or primarily as a citizen of one nation, he
responded by saying that he identifies himself as a global citizen with a
citizenship of China. Overall, Frank Zhu has found that his international
experiences thus far at Grinnell College and at Grinnell-in-London have made
him a better person, because he has learned to openly embrace other cultures
and values.
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